When one lives in a college town, you never truly grow up. It is like
Dazed and Confused - I keep getting older and everyone stays the same age. I thought that one day I would wake up and finally feel like a grown up - well I'm 27, and here to tell you - that just doesn't happen.
Here are a few things I think would make me feel a bit more like a grown up...
- Brushing my teeth twice a day/flossing once a day
As the daughter of a dentist, I am sorry to say, I am terrible about doing this. I know that very few people do, if they did, my dad would be out of a job. I do love flossing, so that isn't much of a stretch, but that 2 minutes of brushing twice a day seems like FOREVER!
- Actually taking off make up before I go to bed
I was blessed with fantastic skin. I don't say this lightly, because I come from a family of people cursed with terrible skin. Because of my blessings though, I have become lazy, and I just sleep in that make up. I know, I know, it is the cardinal sin of skin care. There are a few different methods I'm looking into, like oil cleansing, but hell - I'd be happy if I just wiped my face down with a facial wipe before bed... This one is going to be a challenge.
My dad has had several malignant skin tissue removed, so I should be better about this. At the beach I'm Ms. SPF50, but for daily use, I have fallen quite short.
Forbes and every other business magazine has shared with us the secrets of CEOs, this one is always on the list. I've never been good about it - I figure I'll just sleep in it again, but there is something about pulling back the covers on a freshly made bed.
- Have an always "guest ready" house
My mother is a Fly Lady convert - and that lady is a genius (I meant Fly Lady, but my mom too). Mostly I just need to get a cleaning schedule together that doesn't consist of freaking out the last 10 minutes before someone comes over as I shove everything into an available closet.
- Putting away my clothes immediately instead of having a constant pile of clothes
I have to admit something - there has been a pile of clothes on my bedroom floor since at least September of last year. This pile has evolved over time, grown, shrank, been folding clothes, hanging clothes - I joke with my husband that the pile is our third roommate. I absolutely hate folding clothes/putting them away. Well, it isn't so much that I hate it, I just hate the thought of it, when I actually do it - it isn't all that bad. I just need to make myself put the clothes away immediately instead of letting them get added to the pile.
- Doing some sort of meditation daily
I'm thinking writing - at least to start with, because I actually get something out of that, sitting in silence is too hard for me - I generally just fall asleep.
- Cooking my own food instead of relying on Chipotle for my sustenance
My husband is a picky eater. And I am easily seduced to the dark side, and when I say dark side - I mean eating terribly horrible foods. See, my husband has been an athlete his entire life, so he can pretty much eat anything and everything and it doesn't effect him one iota, me notsomuch.
- Stop using "like" in my conversations
Sometimes, when I hear myself talk, it is like watching a scene from Valley Girl. It is something I'm keenly aware of, and have been trying to stop. Admitting there is a problem is the first step.
Sunscreen is overrated (just like that weird Baz Luhrmann song of the same name).
ReplyDeleteAnd if you didn't say "like," I'm pretty sure you would have the mime to communicate with everyone under 30.