Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What's Going On?

Happy Wednesday Y'all!  

Saw a few of these around on my blog rolls (here and here- although I think the original is here) and I thought, "What a perfect way to kill some time this morning?" It totally reminded me of an AIM profile, or something that would have been an email chain back in 8th grade, so of course I had to jump on the bandwagon.  If you do one too, be sure to leave a link in the comments so I can check yours out as well.

 plans for the gym this afternoon, I had every intention of bailing, but now that my cohorts are going to be there, I feel obligated.
 Nothing this morning, I had a bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats (though seriously delicious), but this weekend I made an amazing frittata with olives, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, feta and cheddar cheese - I loved it, and may have eaten the whole thing all by my lonesome.
 Coffee with the perfect amount of cream and Splenda.
 Re-reading the second in The Outlander series, to catch up before the show comes on Stars this summer.  It is also summertime, which means British Royal Family Biography Time!  I think this year I'm going to read about Eleanor of Aquitaine, or maybe one of the Richards.
 A pair of flat sandals that I can wear all the time, this is like the ultimate summer goal.
 At some paintings to try recreating for around the house.
 Designer.  I'm getting a bunch of fabric samples so I can decide which one I want to use to recover my free chair.  Picking a color story for your own place is such a rush.  I think I missed my calling.
 Time.  I have been so bad at focusing lately.  I need to get back to my pomodoro plan... but doing stuff like this is so much more fun.
I'm not sewing myself, but I'm having someone re-do my chair, and maybe my ottoman, and couches.  That counts right?
  That I still got summer's off like when I was in school.  Why isn't this a thing?  I think people would be so much happier if they got 3 months to go to the pool.
 Watching Julia win her some Jeopardy.  This has been so much fun, and that girl has been killing it!
 For payday! 
 This weather.  It is warm and beautiful, and the fact that the sun is up when I get up is amazing.
 How is it that my new upstairs neighbors, that have a baby, are quieter than my previous single neighbor?  Who I am still convinced was a Flamenco-dancing serial killer.
The pool.  I had forgotten how much I loved being near the water.  I definitely haven't totally shed my Cali upbringing.
 For an amazing 3 year wedding anniversary this week.  We don't really do big stuff, but I am looking forward to a fun celebration with Hubs.
 At the fact that we have been together that long.  Wasn't that wedding just yesterday?  Nuts.
Needing: Some summer tops that aren't sleeveless that I can wear to work - dude it is hot out.
 My deodorant.  It is men's Dove deodorant, because it was on sale, and every once in a while I get a whiff and think "Is there a dude following me?"
A long-sleeved grey Gap sweater with a navy/white polka dot skirt and green sandals.
Following:TLo's amazing post on Mad Men's style.  These guys are AMAZING.  I don't even watch that show, but I refresh constantly Wednesday mornings so that I can get their take on the costuming. 
 That people are often afraid to be honest with themselves.
 Better.  I had a hard week last week, and I'm really working on trying to maintain a positive outlook on things.
 Work emails.  Getting things done, eventually.

Feeling: Ready to take on the world.